
Selling fine art prints online
Selling fine art prints online

selling fine art prints online

Besides being a super funny episode, it’s also accurate: almost anywhere can be turned into a gallery.ĭisplaying your wall art in a coffee shops/bars/alternative gallery shows that attract the audience you’re looking to attract isn’t the best way of getting a ton of money flowing in, but the goal here is exposure. Solution: There’s an episode of Broad City where one of the main characters has her art in a “gallery show,” which ends up just being a sandwich shop displaying her art. But you’re selling wall art – it’d be cool to sell your art while it’s publicly displayed on walls, right? Problem: Sure, having an online store is great. Display your art in coffee shops and alternative venues You can also use content marketing to do this, offering DIY posts like “How to Display U n-framed W all Art” (like using clothespins or alligator clips), or “How to Make Your Apartment Artsy Chic Under $100 Dollars,” etc.ģ. Solution: One way to alert people of this is to offer art both framed and unframed, cutting out the extra cost (and effort) of going out and finding frames for your prints. And that’s important secret to let your audience in on! But art on prints/stretched canvas is high quality while still being comfortably affordable. Problem: I t’s easy to think that unless you’re buying a cheap-o poster, covering your walls with art is gonna cost you a paycheck. Offering both paper wall art prints and stretched canvas in a wide variety of sizes like you can do with Artist Shops is a simple way of offering a few different types of wall art while also keeping it affordable. But you don’t have to get too crazy with it.

selling fine art prints online

Solution: There are some super fancy ways you can do this, like offering your art on metal or plexiglass or dinosaur bone (that’s not a thing).

selling fine art prints online

Problem: Just like some people prefer tri-blend to normal cotton tees, people also prefer different kinds of wall art. But how do you sell your art in an engaging way? Here are 10 ways to sell your art 1. Marketing tees and apparel is one thing – you can create lifestyle photography, use your friends as models and walking billboards, create style guides, etc. Starting to sell your art as prints for people to hang on their walls is a fantastic way of getting your art noticed while making some money.

Selling fine art prints online